Sunday the 29th we motored up the Tagus to Doca de Alcantara marina, the heart of trendy Lisbon's revitalized restaurant/bar district and within walking distance of public transportation: trains, trolleys and busses. While the scope of the city is daunting for Beagle Puppy Jim, Monday, after giving Sunsets a well earned Atlantic crossing rinse, our threesome set off for town lucking into a double-decker narrated tour of the central city. That and a climb of one of the city's 7 hills to the fort, Castelo de Sao Jorge was all the shore leave Mark could muster before heading to the airport at dawn on Tuesday for his flight to Madrid and home. I'm left with large sea boots to fill when its time to head to Gibraltar: it will be Joyce manning the dock lines and fenders. But with all of Lisbon at our doorstep we won't be leaving soon. We bought a 3 day tourist pass to the city's museums and churches including transportation and the race is on. Blisters be damned! We are tourists with a mission: getting our money's worth and checking off sights. A % of the wealth from the spice trade and gold that came from Brazil was dedicated to ornamenting churches. Artists with an unlimited budget painting, gilding, sculpting, weaving gold threads into vestments, creating luxury boats and carriages for the royal palaces and building more palaces. Fado, fate, was the musical blues of the Portuguese people who in 1908 put an end to the royals and their opulent ways. A dictator or 2 later and the modern country emerged. We are struck walking the streets by the number of cafe/pastry shops. Many tiny shops on the streets of the Alfama, the ancient city, of twisting narrow streets climbing the hills like vines. We wondered if the homes had kitchens or if everyone ate in cafes. And another thing. Stores have heaps of salted cod looking like tanned hides. I don't see it on menus, nor have I seen anyone buying it, but they must. We have also been to the outskirts of the city to the Expo 98 site along with modern apartments and highways. One more day of frenzied touring to go and we can explore at our leisure. Joyce, Jim and sadly, no more SvenLisbon, Farewell:
Sunday, August 5. On our last day of the 72 hr Lisbon pass we digressed from churches and art to parks and a military museum. The military must have a lot of pull in Portugal. Its display was housed in marble rooms lined with oil paintings and as much gilding as the churches. The weapons themselves were works of art. There are a number of parks in the city. Some with vistas from hilltops, others providing shady nooks for people to gather for a game of cards or a demitasse cup of coffee and a pastry. Parque Eduardo VII was built in a former quarry now transformed in part to a lush jungle with pools and waterfalls. On a summer Saturday it is a challenge to keep out of wedding photos while in the parks. After taking two bus tours and having hiked the old town streets Jim was ready to take on a rental car, not encouraged in Lisbon. At the airport we learned that the only cars available there were reserved for arrivals. Back we went to a Hertz office in the hotel district, and armed with a map of the country that was best used as a divining rod (you hold it in the direction of two possible turns and see which way it pulls you) we set out for Sintra. Sintra is located 30 miles to the west of the city in mountains overlooking the valley of Lisbon. From this vantage point the Moors in the 9th century could keep watch from their fort in the mountain tops for enemies on the Atlantic or Tagus River. The royals who ousted them did the same, but of course, also built a mountain top castle for hot summer days in addition to the Versaille-like summer palace en route in Quetzul where the royal river was lined by walls done in glazed tile on both sides for 150yds. The palace in Lisbon is still used today to receive dignitaries. The quaint fishing village of Cascais that we drove to going home is like Annapolis at boat show time: roads strangled by tourists. We headed further north along the coast rather than inch home, driving through an area of sand dunes that were whipped across the highway sandblasting our Fiat. The 30 windsurfers in the Atlantic below were enjoying it. The weekend is at least a benign time to drive into Lisbon which we did for an evening of Fado music in the old town. Sunday, with our rental Fiat with barely enough oomph for the San Francisco-like hills, had us up and out the door in such a hurry that Jim found himself crossing a toll bridge over the Tagus with his wallet still aboard Sunsets. All of Lisbon was crossing to the south Sunday am heading for the beaches of the Algarve coast. A quick reversal to the north upon crossing seemed to be in order as I looked up the phrase, "My wallet has been stolen," as our best explanation for the police, but we sailed across unaccosted in the lane reserved for pre-paid buses. Back to the boat and replenished with escudos (to be Euro dollars Jan 1) we decided to take in the Expo 98 Oceanarium, the largest in Europe and well worth the visit. 24 hours of Lisbon driving was enough and we refueled with 1.5 gallons of gas after scaling a mountain and cruising up the coast! Carless again we strolled homeward along the Avenida da Liberdade that was blocked to traffic for the pleasure of cyclists on Sunday. Thanks to the 1755 earthquake it is broad and straight with a shady park for a median. A cab ride home to Sunsets at 4:00 left us time to ready her for our own departure for the port of Sines 60 miles south of here on tomorrow's tide. -The SightseersSines:
By 3 pm after departing at 6 am we were docked in Sines behind a mole, or artificial basin with a huge rock jetty for protection from the Atlantic. The flood tide down the Tagus added 2 knots to our speed downriver. We motored all the way with the offshore breezes too light and fluky to sail. The water here as in Lisbon is crystal clear revealing an abundance of pan sized fish, perhaps the fry of the catch we saw being hauled in from gill nets just offshore. Sines is tucked into the rocky coast surrounded by an endless beach below arid hillsides and rocky outcroppings. The town has a castle like fort in its center, and the heavy industry is largely hidden on the opposite face of the craggy point. We lucked into the free end of a floating pontoon, the only space large enough to accommodate us. The tides rise and fall about 5 feet and so far all the marinas have had floating docks. Its off to town. Joyce and JimLagos:
The evening of the 7th in a restaurant in Sines we met Portugal's "faithful friend", the salted cod, said to have 365 means of preparation. We both had soup, mine fortified with bread and garlic for flavoring, and Jim's with beans and rice. We're going to skip the remaining 363 recipes. The age of discovery has made a deep impression on the culture. Rice from the Indies and potatoes from the new world are mainstays of the diet, especially french fries. And nearly everyone over 9 uses tobacco. Sines, birthplace of Vasco da Gama, is as compact as Lisbon is sprawling, and it was fun to take in the beach, fort, new and old towns in a pleasant stroll. The 8th at dawn its off the 75 miles to Lagos that served as Portugal's regional capital and slave market. We had our best sail under Genoa and main today along the shore cliffs rising from 250 - 400' and passing Ponta de Sagres, the south western most point of the continent, the wind picked up. Here Prince Henry the Navigator established a school of navigation that pushed ever further down the coast of Africa finally rounding it and establishing exclusive rights from the Pope for this Indies trade route. Satisfied, they rebuffed Columbus who got his fleet from Spain, reluctantly willing to gamble on another way to the Indies. Portugal lost her chance to claim the new world, getting only Brazil from the new papal treaty. Lagos was the point of departure for Portuguese fleets, and her harbor at the mouth of a river protected by a sea wall is today a destination marina and beach town of the Algarve coast. In Arabic El-Gharb means the west. Marina rates reflect its popularity: $65/day compared to Sines, $17. The land-sea breezes here in the afternoon whip up like March winds at home. We waited until morning to wedge into our slip where we'll stay for 3 days. Our evening along the reception pontoon was exciting as barely-under-control power boaters maneuvered near us, and another sail boat rafted to us for the night. I needed a nap after our Thursday am sortie into town leaving Jim free to take a windy beach walk where European dress codes for women prevail. Friday we'll try a dinghy tour of the grottos just outside the mouth of harbor. -The Algarve BeachcombersBaccalao (Dried Cod fish)
Reference your recent email regarding seeing all this dried fish in the Portuguese markets. Baccalao is the national dish of Portugal going back for eons. In the early days (before, "Birdseye"), about the only way fish could be preserved was by air drying sometimes aided by slow heat. The Portuguese being great world girdling fishermen, fished the Grand Banks off of Iceland where in the early days sea gulls could walk on the backs of Cod Fish as they rose to the surface. Tons and tons were caught. Sometimes the small fishing boats would literally sink from being overloaded with fish. They were tremendously important as a source of protein for the Portuguese, as well as for all of Europe. Dried Cod Fish or, "Clipfish" formed the basis of a huge industry. Wars were fought over fishing grounds and and processing sites
Shortly after being caught the fish were filleted and spread out on racks to dry after being heavily salted. After drying for a certain period of time they were loaded into the holds of ships for transport back to the mother country. Looking almost like hogsheads of tobacco leaves. They would keep this way for years.
Prior to cooking into the national dish, the fish are rehydrated, e.g. soaked in water for at least 24 hours and rinsed thoroughly. The national dish of Baccalao consists of these reconstituted fish being either fried or baked along with onions, garlic and very often, potatoes. An acquired taste! Try some while you are there.
Fifty years ago in San Francisco, I used to go to a little hotel in the North Beach area of town called the Hotel Centrale. This hotel catered to Portuguese and Spanish Sheep herders enroute to their contract jobs herding sheep in the California mountains. They would stay in this hotel going and coming from Portugal and Spain (Basque Country, primarily) and that's where I was first introduced to Baccalao. By the way they served a sit down dinner family style, including cheap red wine for about $7.00!
Anyhow, that's my story and I am sticking to it.
-Gordon Rutkai
Adieus, Portugal
Friday, the 10th was calm, perfect for our dinghy exploration of the coast that has eroded into towering pillars, arches and caves with many beaches nestled along the way. People became fewer-and freer in their dress-the farther from town we went. Finally we found our perfect sequestered hideaway with a blow hole cave behind and the lighthouse on the cliff above. Isolated, that is, until the 10:00 tour boats arrived and anchored in front of us which were then swarmed by open boats that took small groups threading in and out of grottos around the corner and pointing out the lighthouse above us. When the tide fell our unclad male neighbors delighted in strolling in front of the tour boats. We enjoyed our picnic lunch before heading home with the returning tide that took our dinghy over the rocks exposed when it had fallen. Time to tour the rest of the coast on Sunsets which we did Saturday. Jim hoisted the main as we left Lagos Marina but motored all day on the glassy Atlantic. We stopped for the night at Vila Real de Santa Antonio at the mouth of Rio Guadiana, the border of Spain. The village lacks the twisting streets having been leveled in 1755 and rebuilt on a grid plan. Sunday morning we took a taxi to an inland town, Castro Marim, and toured its ruined forts begun by Romans. They overlook a massive salt works of evaporation ponds. At 3 pm we'll motor up the Guadiana clearing under a bridge at low tide. Castles dot both shorelines along with small villages and a wildlife refuge. Then it will be goodbye (adieus) Portugal. -The Captain and His Riverboat QueenColumbus:
Rio Guadiana cuts through very arid land that has seen 40% emigration rates for centuries. It is reverting to a bird sanctuary with only the occasional hard scrabble orchard or small garden plot to be seen. Yet upstream several villages carry on boosted by excursion boats that travel as far a our night's mooring spot, Alcoutim, 20 miles upstream. The tour boats disembark their passengers on the sister village, Sanlucar, in Spain. The Portugese side was seedier, with rough cobbled streets but alive with outdoor cafes and people mingling. Across the river life is contained behind high white walls, neat, but sterile feeling. The yachtie who wants a cool respite from crowds stays upriver. We were gone with the morning tide the 20 miles back and another 27 miles of Genoa assisted motoring brought us to Mazagon, Spain, tucked behind a 6.5 mile seawall. Yomar, the boyish blonde 21 year old dutch skipper of a 60', 40 ton charter sailboat helped us with our docklines at our slip. He has been sailing for 5 years in a Dutch program for sailing masters. With a three day car rental we'll explore the hinterland. This is the heart of Columbus history. Columbus had been trying unsuccessfully to pitch his "small world, quick-trip to the Indies due west" unsuccessfully for years. He had left his son, Diego, at the monestary in Rabida on the banks of the Rio Tinto, where Queen Isabella's confessor stayed. Columbus bent his ear, and he interceded, persuading the queen to spot Columbus enough money to return to court, and try again to get backing, to win new souls to the faith perhaps in the East. For the 500th anniversary replica ships were built and sailed to the New World, and are now a tourist attraction moored on the river banks from which he provisioned long ago. Crews were recruited from the city Heulva on the opposite bank, but now it is engulfed in tank farms. Inland, and upriver the town of Niebla's red fortress walls beckoned. Rio Tinto has great mineral wealth, and fortification began in Roman times. The whole city at one time lay within the walls. Detailed displays of execution devices and methods set this fort apart. Only nobles got by with beheading. We'll get an early start for Sevilla on the 15th. -Joyce & JimPS After Mazagon, our next port of call is Cadiz. Getting ahead of myself a bit, our sail on the 17th from Mazagon to Puerto Sherry was outstanding. Full main and genoa, 9.5 knots steady with bursts of 11. A cheeky trimaran gave chase from behind under spinnaker giving the captain pause until he saw she could not hold her course into the wind as well as Sunsets. Our rival was vanquished, but alas, only until she hoisted her jib. Confident of victory, the captain reefed the main. Despite unfurling our staysail, she gave us the slip, cutting close to land for a shortcut to her anchorage. Windsurfers and para-windsurfers are crowding the mouth of the harbor as we head into the marina at Puerto Sherry, near Cadiz. Sailors once again. PPS Puerto Sherry was a disappointment. The hotel pool had closed and the modern town was a loong walk, with nary a taxi in sight. We walked back along the nice beach and relaxed aboard, enjoying the music from a nearby nightclub, which played until 7am.- The Nightowls
While Sevilla is 50 miles up the navigable Guadalquivir River its port is no nonsense: container ships only. We arrived early on the 15th in time to buy tickets for a bull fight at 8 pm. The landmark Moorish Giralda tower along with the cathedral were closed for the Feast of the Assumption so it was off to the Alcazar. This is a fortified palace complex of endless rooms and equally extensive gardens with filigree plaster ceilings, scalloped arches, and tiled walls and floors of dazling design. Each new ruler, caliph and king alike, added more square footage, the later with gold unloaded at the city docks from 250 ships a year. We found a lovely room in the historic area, in an old hotel with inner courtyard (a hostel), our first night away from Sunsets. The bull fight saw the awarding of one ear to a matador and the live retirement of one bull out of 7. Oles were shouted when the matador could treat his bull with casual disregard, get him to charge the cape on demand, and die promptly. This is possible after the bull has been thoroughly exhausted chasing all the novice matadors and the mounted picador. The first bull dumped the horse and picador over and proceeded to "gore" the belly of the horse while the picador and various assistants attempted to distract him. Happily the padding around the horse worked and spared the animal. Afterwards the area's nightlife was just getting underway so we strolled around town until midnight. We feel much safer in Europe than in the US, but have avoided any "rough" areas and are not usually out late. A whirl of sightseeing ensued on the 16th: breakfast in a vine covered patio in Seville, lunch in a tapas bar (hot or cold snacks) in Cordoba, and dinner back at a local chicken rotisserie in Mazagon made possible by the rapid speeds on the Autopist, 65 - 100 mph. We were able to tour the Giralda tower and cathedral Thursday morning. The cathedral is the 3rd largest enclosed area in the world, and the altar and sanctuary seem plunked down in the middle with vast areas of space surrounding it (1 1/2 football fields). The walls are lined with chapels fenced off by locked grills. The tower was designed for a horse to ride inside to the top, so has 34 ramps, instead of stairs. The Moors thought about destroying it to keep it out of Christian hands.
We had problems with the telephone in Spain. We had no phone card, were busy touristing and after buying a phone card, we could not figure out how to use it. When you don't speak the language, it isn't easy to get help with a problem, or order a meal. Huevos are eggs. Huevas is batter dipped, fried fish paste in a sausage casing, or so I found out when my eggs arrived. My luncheon fish fillet was a plate of fried sardines. Meow, I ate them bones and all. So Sunday, the 19th, despite knowing the sights would be closed, we tried to tie up in Cadiz, but there were no slips for "El Grande Barco", and no convenient anchorage, so off we went 70 miles further to Gibralter.I have to admit it was a thrill sailing along the coast of Morroco, past Tarifa, where the Moors landed to begin their invasion some 1300 years ago, the narrowest spot, 8 miles from Morroco. We had to motor the 55 miles from Cadiz , with some help from the sails. At Tarifa I shut off the motor and sailed about 5-6 kts. Checking below the GPS showed 11.4, the current was really strong. The wind quickly built up to 25, we hit 9.5 wing and wing with reefed main and genoa, struggled to furl the genoa just as the "rock" came into view. We cleared British customs and anchored in the only anchorage. Suddenly a jet took off from the airport. I thought we were on it, it was so close. Joyce fixed a nice dinner and we had cocktails in the cockpit, watching the sun set, and the jets take off. The rock is lit by floodlights at night, and is quite a sight. The Spanish border is right there, so there is still hope for the phone card, but first to the top of "The Rock". A cable car ride will get you to the level with attractions spread over a 3 mile area, but a fast talking native convinced 4 of us to ride up with him. It was a thrill sharing a one lane stretch of switchback road with two way traffic and pedestrians pinned between rock walls and the guard rail weaving their way along. The limestone rock has a Lurray cavern with amphitheater inside. About 300 tail-less monkeys well fed by the British live in the trees and dot the walls en route. Lazy ones hitch rides on the outsides of cabs.
Britain was granted a perpetual right to the Rock, but that hasn't stopped Spain from trying to oust them by siege, most notably the Great Seige of 1779-83. The British dug in-literally-creating tunnels now of 30 miles length inside with cannons installed to fire down on the besiegers. Driving back down you could see remnants of Moorish walls and earlier fort walls but the swelling population is overrunning them with housing and back fill on the coast. The first skull of a pre-modern man was found-but not identified as such-8 years before the German Neander Valley gave its name to the species. Gibratar appears to have been their last holdout against us moderns. Getting to and from Gibraltar entails traversing the middle of the airport runway built during WW II. Like a railway crossing, there are gates to bar vehicles and pedestrians during takeoffs and landings. Any number of battles have been waged between here and Ceuta, the comparable point on the Moroccan coast that with Gibraltar comprise the twin pillars of Hercules. Ironically Ceuta is held by the Spanish as tenaciously as is Gibraltar by the British. Many Moroccans work in Europe and replaced the Spanish in Gibraltar during the 16 year Franco era when Spain closed its border here entirely. We'll try for a ferry to the opposite shore tomorrow. -The Bewildered
Costa Del Sol:
Thursday, the 23rd we weighed anchor and headed into the Mediterranean's fabled Sun Coast, or so we thought. It was, until we tucked into the nearest harbor 19 miles away at Estepona, the Fog Coast. Jim piloted us through the throng of anchored freighters at Gibraltar by radar while bleating on his brass horn. Only from 100' did one radar blip emerge as the slab side of a huge ship. From alongside her stern, her bow was enveloped. Had we known that this fog would not burn off as had Tuesday morning's 2 hour fog we would have remained at anchor. Gibraltar has been a nice respite from life without sub-titles. We found a Safeway that carried raisins without seeds; took in "Jurassic Park III", all special affects, no plot and NO popcorn; fueled duty-free: $200; swapped pleasure books and bought 3 new coastal guide books. Jim was in heaven on a motor scooter poking into WW II gun emplacements, and circling the coast highway. I'll recover from my saddle sores. At Estepona I got into the swing of Med living, arising at 10 am and dining at midnight. More east wind brought in more morning fog and this time we decided to linger in town. Beside the marina there were enough outdoor cafes that you could dine there for 2 weeks at a new spot each night. The old city core had a farmer's market of stalls many with fish on the counters-no ice. We passed huge nets stretched out on the working piers to dry with cleaned fish suspended by their tails along wood stakes for drying. Casinos have replaced fisherfolk beyond this town. We learned of a horse show at 9 pm Fri, but with the fog gone, so were we, 30 miles up the coast to Puerto Benalmadena. But we hadn't forgotten about the horse show. Jim docked at 5 and we left the marina at 7 in a rental Seat car doubling back to Estepona for what could best be described as an equestrian ballet. All of the cultural elements of southern Spain were woven into the performance: flamenco guitar music and 6 dancers, traditional dress, and superbly trained horses that dazzled us for an hour. Our drive back took us past revelers just getting started for the evening at the non-stop nightspots along the shore. The Captain plans to be up at 6 am and at the ticket window in Granada at 8 am 120 miles northeast to see this former Moorish capital's Alhambra, considered the world's best preserved medieval Arab palace. We made it at 8:30, got in at 10 with an admission ticket to the palace at 11:30. The contrast between the outlying countryside as dry, drab and rugged as our west with the oasis on a hillside overlooking both the fertile valley of the Darro and the mountain peaks beyond is dramatic. And the views are framed by arched windows trimmed in filigree wood carvings as intricate as lace. Part of the river was diverted allowing water to flow through the palace and gardens in myriad fountains. The gardens are layered up the hillside with the stone handrails serving as aqueducts. The museum had restored a sample of the ceiling art to its original colors which have faded. Former stained glass windows are now lattice wood. It must have been a kaleidoscope of color inside, and a paradise in the gardens below. We contented ourselves with this tourist mecca and returned to Sunsets through the mountain past gorges, olive groves, and terraces planted under long tents serving as greenhouses and a quick drop to the coast highway. Jim hopes the west wind that picked up today will be with us as we sail on tomorrow.-The Bedazzled
On to Almeria:
Saturday night's wind had, of course, pooped out by the morning of Sunday the 26th and we were back to motoring the Med 80 miles to an open, rolly roadstead anchorage off Almerimar. Oh we did unfurl the genoa for an hour in the afternoon for appearances sake-but a wind shift made that impossible to hold. The scenery here is of stark buff peaks behind a narrow band of land completely swathed in tent greenhouses with a fringe of condos and high rises along the beach. It looks like the artist, Christo, run-amok. (He draped spaces like the Grand Canyon in cloth in the 70's.) Its called locally the Costa del Plastico, but it is not unpleasing, especially with a little sea mist to blur the edges, rather like a continuous low white cloud. Monday we poked our heads into the marina at Almerimar finding it to have ample room, and shops at dock-side that cater to the many English who have retired here. After our first actual swim in the med (and the first time since Bermuda, the waters elsewhere being too cold for our taste), its off the 20 miles to the yacht harbor of Aquadulce, near Almeria, our easternmost Med destination selected because it has a POOL. Alright! Its relaxation time! Almeria is located in the center of the last bay parallel to the African coast before the Spanish coast heads steadily northward. Jim figures if we round that corner, we're goners. There'd be no turning back. You do get your entertainment value here in Spain. There's the sun and fun in the day, and the bars entertain the whole community until 5 am with music that carries well over the water especially with sheer walls of rock for added resonance. We took advantage of the cooling sea breezes and an overcast sky to hop a bus into old Almeria Tuesday morning to take in the 900 year old Alcazaba, or fort, atop a hill. One of Michener's complaints in his book, Iberia, was that the Spanish were missing a tourist bet in failing to maintain their castles. They have wised up since then. Every one we have been to is being repaired, and many are used as concert venues. This one's treatment has been influenced by Granada with pools connected by flowing water surrounded by flower beds with the panorama of the port and country-side below. One facing hillside has numerous doors set into covering cave openings, homes for the gypsy population. There are 9000 inhabited caves in the Andalucia, many finished off like conventional homes. And they're cool. Evidence of Barbary pirates is clear in the cathedral walls back in town: gun slits. Gives new meaning to the hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is My God." The Spanish boogey man is "El Draco" (Sir Francis Drake) who wrecked havoc and burned towns along the coast in recent enough memory to still be used as a threat. But I can't burden myself with thoughts of long gone invasions and battles when a second afternoon of poolside lounging beckons. -The Lounge LizzardsNautical P.S. Jim was impressed by the relatively unscathed condition of a catamaran that arrived at 6 am yesterday under autopilot that crashed into the stone sea-wall when the solo captain crossing from Africa fell asleep. It has a crack below the water line and a visible chip in the finish, but is otherwise unscathed sitting in its slip. He'll have it hauled for repair to keep his hull behind its watertight bulkhead from taking on water but his self-design and construction is not only sea-worthy but took some real punishment to boot.
While enjoying a poolside lunch at Clube Nautico de Aquadulce of seafood soup gazing out over the Med on the 29th Barnacle Bill came up with a plan. We will let Sunsets pamper herself here in port for 4 days while we continue up the coast by car. We have been able to find space at marinas (except at Gibraltar) because enough boats have left ports near the entrance in July to sail as far as the coast of Greece. But with September approaching these yachts will be returning to their inexpensive Spanish ports to overwinter. Also, yachts planning the fall Atlantic passage will begin converging on the ports approaching Gibraltar. We are in luck. Repairs have delayed the return of the vessel normally berthed where Sunsets has been since the 27th here in Aquadulce just outside of Almeria. We headed off in our rental Hyundai late on the 29th making for the port of Cartagena which we reached the next morning. Despite its strong walls and fortified hills guarding the narrow mouth, Sir Francis Drake outwhelmed its defenses from Man 'O War ships bristling with cannons. Today much of the harbor is a Spanish naval basin and after our walk along the harborside we were on our way again. The country side is as entertaining as the destinations. We tried to buy gas around noon at a spot similar to our road stops along I-95 but were overwhelmed by the congestion. People had spread blankets on the sidewalk for naps. Rugs were spread in the roadway facing east. This is the time of return migration of Moroccans who have been vacationing in Africa while factories here were closed. We were amazed by the loads secured to the vehicle roofs. They form a modern day caravan taking European goods home when they leave, and African goods when they return duty-free since it all passes as household possessions. More evaporation pond salt works lie along the coast just where the shore juts out to the easternmost point. Here Flamingos wade searching the bottom for food. We reached the port of Valencia at 5, but unlike Cartagena, it was not compact enough for us to tackle without a street map. Jim contented himself with a drive-through, and pressed onwards to Barcelona where we'll stay for 2 days about 500 miles north of our "home" port. The countryside is much greener now with pine trees in the highlands, and vineyards, orange and olive orchards in the lowlands. -The CheatersPS We returned from Barcelona through the Sierras and valleys of the interior. Quarrying marble, sand and gravel seem to sustain the towns that periodically bloom in the midst of otherwise stark scenery. Massive terracing of scarred hillsides provides space for orchards when irrigation water can be supplied. Jim actually drove to "Texas" north of Almeria where movie sets for westerns are a tourist attraction and Lawrence of Arabia's camels still offer rides. With Sunsets well rested and the strongest favorable winds we've seen on the Med we'll have a deck beneath our feet tomorrow as we sail west.
Michener reports that Andalucian emigrants who took jobs in Germany always came home to find Catholic brides, but those who went to Barcelona never came back, and the city was held in awe. We, too, were awe-struck. With a map and a city guide book with 9 days of city walking tours we left our car in a garage and imbibed Barcelona. Our room was across the street from the University in what will be dorm rooms when classes resume in October after summer's heat is done. For an overview, we took two bus tours looking mainly at the architecture. Cheap imitations of turn-of-the-century modernist work is described as gaudy. But Gaudi's skeleton of an uncompleted cathedral is a beloved landmark of the city distinctive because he uses only the curved shapes of nature intending the inside to suggest a forest of tree trunks while exterior surfaces have chips of mosaic tiles embedded lavishly. Walking down the Ramblas, once a dry riverbed that is now paved, we experienced the optical illusion of waves beneath our feet. We kept sliding our shoes over it to confirm it was perfectly flat. This is a center of street life with individuals performing for tips, and kiosks for florists and pet shops to sell their wares. It ends at the waterfront where the world's largest medieval boat yard now houses a maritime museum, and our first walking destination Saturday. It was Jim's favorite and I thoroughly enjoyed the imaginative and dynamic displays accompanied by headset explanations. A naval galley had a screen to project the image of 240 galley slaves manning their oars as we stood looking down from the officer's deck. The interior of a Gaudi home and a music hall plus the old cathedral completed as much walking as we could do. We stood in the cathedral room where Columbus received a hero's welcome following his first voyage to the new world commemorated by a magnificent statue at the end of the Rambla. But the sleeper was what lies beneath the cathedral: a museum of excavations of the Roman city that lay below. The wine-makers, dyers and fish merchants quarters have the outlines of shop walls, streets, plumbing, and the characteristic features identifying each trade have been uncovered like a subterranean Pompei. Back to our car we passed the park that housed the '92 Olympics, and an ascent to the fort for a panoramic view capped our day before heading home to Sunsets. The 1888 & 1929 World's Fairs and the Olympics were the catalysts for much of the revitalization of the city. We noticed that the road signs going into a tunnel advised you to turn on your "luz", and then "luces". Two languages are spoken here: Catalonian and Spanish. This cosmopolitan area made an unsuccessful bid for independence in the early 1900s and is a counterpoint to Seville, the most loyal of Spanish cities. We drank from the city's fountain guaranteeing that we'll come back again. The SightseersAlmerimar:
September is a windy month in the Med. We were surprised as we drove through the mountainous stretches of the autopista to see wind socks mounted periodically in the median strip in the gaps between peaks-an alert for trucks and buses of the strength of the gusts swirling down. Right on schedule, favorable winds welcomed us home and held the morning of the 3rd with white caps visible beyond the seawall. An opportunity at last for the Med sailing of Jim's dreams, and his crew was sidelined with a gimpy ankle from a stumble in "Texas" {an old hollywood film set for spaghetti westerns} I had tumbled with the tumbleweeds. But then Jim struck up a conversation with 4 sailors planning a bus trip to Almerimar, our destination, too. Before they knew it they had been shanghaied! We had a brisk 20 mile sail which our guest crew enjoyed for its relative smoothness compared to their 32 & 35' vessels, and all afternoon to enjoy the port of Almerimar where we had previously stayed at a rolly anchorage. Boats in Med ports lie next to one another companionably like sardines in a can. The stern is tied off at the dock and the bow is held in place by mooring tackle that remains submerged until needed. Docking involves picking up an inch in diameter line running parallel to the boats above water at the dock and lifting it all along its length until you can attach it to your bow cleat. Easier than putting out a bow anchor, and much easier than diving to find the bow mooring as Jim did in Cozumel this winter. No wasted space for finger piers; no limitations for catamarans. Low tide can make boarding a stretch, but we have been able to use the dinghy turned sideways between Sunsets and the dock in lieu of a gang plank. We were in our slip with the afternoon free for Jim to prowl the docks chatting with the yachties and me to have a siesta after a midday dinner aboard. At 8 we met 2 of our crew, a 40 year old British couple who have retired early to keep work from interfering with their cruising. At the tappas (snack) bar we had drinks and rounds of cheese, bread and anchovies swapping sea yarns 'till 11:00 living like the natives. Its off on the 4th to an anchorage off the fishing village of Motril 35 miles away but upwind under genoa, staysail and reefed genoa with speeds of 7 knots. I'm back to deckhand duties. I know what happens to lame horses. Motril is a gritty industrial harbor with some pleasure boats with room within the seawall to drop our biggest hook to hold in the mud bottom. We watched the offloading and transfer to trucks of a load of sand much of which was being carried out to sea in the wind. After a full day of all sailing dinner aboard had more allure than going ashore. By the morning of the 5th the wind had died and we motored the 10 miles farther up coast to Marina Del Este in Puerto de la Mona, the preferred yacht destination. Condo construction is underway at a furious pace. We understand the Costa del Sol is outstripping its water supply capacity. Some areas use brackish water in their plumbing. Marina del Este is distinguished by the large rock formation blended into the seawall, and up the face of which are steps to several secluded, flower bedecked picnic patios, which compete with the nearby beach for our lounging. Joyce says no competition, the 4" foam cushioned beach recliners are heaven.-The Cruisers
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